About Me

Monkey_With_Fanta is a common internet username of Nana Kafka, a young and aspiring novelist who writes mainly in the fantasy genre.
Unlike many authors, instead of novels Nana was introduced to the world of storytelling through Japanese comics (commonly called 'manga') and animation. Finnish by origin, when she was first learning English in Florida USA, Nana eagerly followed the adventures of the Ronin Warriors as a favourite television series. From there slowly opened up a world of manga which helped turn an already lively spark of imagination into a wildfire. But there still lacked a way for the ideas to jump from the canvas of the mind into a solid form.
Two and a half years later saw a move from the States to Sussex, England, and six years of study there saw not only an improvement in English but a discovery of an eager hand at jotting down stories. For English Language and Literature classes, whenever possible, she'd bring in a story as homework. Using all spare time between classes (and sometimes even during) to jot down world and story ideas, a passion for writing began to emerge, and the imaginary finally had a means of coming out.
Currently Nana lives with her family and two Jack Russell Terriers and is working toward completing her first manuscript, 'Electrostatic Fantasy.'
Her favourites include Brandon Sanderson's Mistborn trilogy, the Final Fantasy game series, chocolate, music and excessive amounts of procrastination typing. ^_^

The purpose of this blog is to "make spiffy notes along the road as I try for that pedestal (of the published) myself."
All visitors are welcome. Monkey's Fanta World is open 24 hours Monday-Sunday including bank holidays and Christmas. Please note that the feeding of animals in public areas is encouraged and that you are reminded to keep all shiny objects out of the reach of the wandering primates at all times. Thank you for choosing the Simian Channel.

If someone is feeling brave enough to venture into the den where the Writer Monkey is typing away madly, and maybe even courageous enough to write her a line, then e-mailing might be the best option (otherwise the monkey might just eat your letter before it gets read ^_^)

Look for the post box on which it reads:

PS. Banana bribes are accepted, Fanta bottles appreciated! ^_~