Man, I thought employed life was supposed to improve your writing production, not reduce it. But hey, guess I read the wrong manual on my way to the interview. It's really been a long time since I blogged. A really long time. And it's also about time I got up and out of it.

Yes, when I get home from work it's so much easier to slump down with a good video game and think four things: Can Not Be Bothered. At first this was my preference. I was tired. I'm not used to standing for 8 hours on end, and the mere thought of thinking once I got home was too exhausting. But it's surprising what it takes away from you, the not writing at all that is. Life becomes...sort of empty, and less colourful. I didn't really notice it until I was reminded of the
thought of exciting adventures in fantasy worlds and sitting for hours in the same spot at a café typing away at your laptop. :D With a good cup of tea and...
Okay, straying off the subject a little. You get what I mean though. :)
Alright, I wanted to thank everyone who has voted on the poll in the top right-hand corner of the page. Looking at it I see photos/pictures for the blog as well as writing techniques are on the wishlist. I will definitely work on getting some more photos up here. Mind you they might be random photos I've shot sometime whilst half-asleep. I'll have to ask you to excuse that.
I'll also add a writing techniques related post as well, now that I'm at the computer. I'll post it separately though.
But E.F.'s edits are moving. At last they are moving! And boy am I happy. :D
And it's good to be back in business. Or blogging...whichever fits better.
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