I encourage anyone interested to take part in these, they are free and lots of fun!
Write 50,000 words minimum in the month of November.
A great and international event for all writers and one which has inspired many spin-offs.
Please feel free to visit my my NaNoWriMo page.
Write a script at least 100 pages long in April.
The sister event of NaNoWriMo.
Want to be buddies? Then just send me some Frenzy mail.
Crazy Club Writing Year
Choose a goal of how many Writing Month events you will participate in, how many novels you will begin, finish writing, and edit during the year. The forum also has events and challenges to help prompt writing effort or inspiration. Unlike WriYe (see below), CraClu helps more like a place to keep track of all the events you're taking part in if you are doing multiple events (like a certain monkey).
You can click here to view my CraClu profile.
National Novel Continuing Month
Year round. You continue to write a chosen amount of words every month until your novel is finished.
50,000 words, you and your laptop, January.
For those who just can't get enough of NaNo!
Unfortunately the forum doesn't allow non-registered users to view profiles, but if you've signed up, you can find me in the "Members" list under Monkey_With_Fanta, or just click here.
February Novel Writing Month
Choose a word count goal and strive to reach it in February.
A spin-off of NaNoWriMo, happening three months later.
Edit a novel for 50 hours in March.
A spin-off of NaNo focusing on editing instead of writing.
I'm in, are you?
(Note: I'm sorry if my profile page comes up blank for you upon clicking the link. The site may require you to log in first before you're able to view other members' profiles.)
(Note: I'm sorry if my profile page comes up blank for you upon clicking the link. The site may require you to log in first before you're able to view other members' profiles.)
Write a 50,000 word novel in May.
Standard NaNo-re-monthed setup.
I won't be participating in this competition (some limits even for me), but I warmly recommend for anyone who can't make November work for them, who just want more noveling action, or who want to get warmed up for next NaNoWriMo.
A writing community primarily aimed at New Zealand and Australian writers, but anyone is welcome to join. On offer are all kinds of book realated challenges throughout the year, including writing, editing and publishing. The challenges are very variable and approach writing at all different kinds of angles. There's also the Southern Cross Novel Challenge, the southern hemisphere's version of NaNoWriMo, in which you're meant to write 50,000 words in June.
Warmly recommended!
You can find my profile here.
(Note: The site seems to require you to log in before you can view profiles. Annoying, I know. Sorry about that.)
Or WriDaNoJu. Write 50,000 words in June.
Another NaNo spin-off.
Here's my profile if you want to have a look.
Write 50,000 minimum in July.
A spin-off of NaNoWriMo taking place in the summer.
Click here to see my JulNo profile.
Either write a chosen word goal or edit a chosen hour goal or both in September.
A more flexible spin-off of NaNo.
If you wish to locate my profile, please look on the "Members" list for Monkey_With_Fanta.
Science Fiction Writing Month
Choose a writing and/or editing goal and fulfill that in the month of October. Although sci-fi is the main theme of the forum, cross genres and fantasy are accepted (they're not rigid on the sci-fi).
The FAQ made no promises that the site would be active again in '11, but you can still check it out.
Click here for my profile.
Ever wanted to write Gothic Literature but never really got around to doing it? Well, here's your chance!
In the month of October, you must write a Gothic novel (word count goal of your choosing).
I have signed up for this event, but since it's so close to November I can't promise participation every time.
Feel free to give it a shot though!
National Blog Posting Month
Post in your blog every day for a whole month. Happens year round, but the main event takes place in November, where you've a chance to win prizes if you remember to post every day.
Add 30,000 words to an unfinished novel in December.
A spin-off of NaNo specifically for unfinished novels.
Feel free to visit my profile. Why not join me in the fun?
A prestigious competition for short works up to 17,000 words long.
There is no entry fee and the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners get money prizes. This is not like the NaNo-competitions as entries are judged. There is also an Illustrators of the Future competition for visual artists.
Happens quarterly, but the winners of each quarter are pitted against each other for an annual winner.
Warmly recommended!
A novel writing competition that stretches year round.
You pick your word count goal for the year and then work toward it.
I've taken the challenge! Why not come join me?