Saturday, 5 February 2011

Yikes, I Lied.

Okay, so the blogging everyday since the first of the month didn't exactly take off. Ha ha. And indeed I have not written a single word until today. But I spent nearly the whole darn day today at the library and the café and boy did I get some writing done! Just shy of 4,000 words, and it only took 7 hours! :)
And surprisingly enough, it was mostly on a story which I'm pantsying. I've always planned everything out to the point where I've more or less known exactly what would happen. But this story isn't going so badly, even though I'm just coming up with everything more or less as I go. This story is currently called The Sky Butterfly, but I don't know if I'll change that name too. Personally I think it sounds like a funny title which is both exciting and boring simultaneously. I'd really need one which is just exciting, but I haven't sat down and thought one up yet, so this'll have to do for now.

Anyways, from here on I promise to (hopefully) post something here of some length and form everyday, whether it be sane or not. Whether it makes any sense or not. Whether it's written in a human language or coded in binary. I will post something everyday!

Or at least I hope I will. ^__^ He he!


  1. I think Sky Butterfly is an interesting title because it takes two boring an overused words and puts them together uniquely. *pokes Novel Info page* What's it about?

    That library evening sounds divine. :D

  2. Sorry for the delayed reply.

    Thanks for your feedback. :) I've altered the title slightly to The SkAI Butterfly ('ai' is 'love' in Japanese).

    Oh yes, updates! O.o *Frantically works to update Novel Info page*
    Sorry for the lack of synopsis right now. I usually take a bit with those to perfect them. Oh ancient enemy.

    I really enjoyed your post on fight scenes and planning vs. pantsying by the way!
    Are you taking post requests by any chance? Because a post on synopsis writing would without a doubt come in handy for me. ^_^

    Yep, I recommend giving library-writing-days a try. They really are fun. :)

  3. You call your reply late. . . :P I seriously need to get my act in gear over all the blogs I check.

    Interestingly, I did see that you updates your Novel Info page, even if I never saw this comment. The new alternate spelling of Sky is even better. Like I said before, you're taking to "normal" words and doing abnormal things to them the over all title unique.

    Yes, I am taking post requests. :) You will probably get a post on how to write a synopsis sometime this week since I'm procrastinating on other promised posts. *cough*

    My writing advice these days falls into one of three categories: a) I wrote a blog post on that, here's the link, b) Hmm. . . I'm going to write a blog post on that, wait a week, and c) *bangs head* Here's a handy-dandy little LMGTFY link (I get annoyed at questions that require 2 minutes Google search for and answer).

    I have wanted to try a library-writing day for some time but I've not had the opportunity and didn't think it was really obtainable (which, obviously, isn't true). This is it. Library Writing Day is now on the list of Summer Goals. :D
