Tuesday, 25 January 2011

Makeover Time!

Yes, when you're behind on your writing and you've got some spare time at the computer, logic states the first thing you should do is of course revamp your blog. ^_^;; But it was time for a bit of a makeover.

Let me know what you guys think of the new look! Better? Worse? Needs a little something? You're just stopping by for the free cookies? All feedback is welcome. :) Or if you just want to chat, by all means (I will cave and procrastinate at some point for sure, an answer is most likely).

I've also added an new entry onto the "Links" page. It's a blog by a friend of mine, KathrineROID. She blogs about writing techniques, reviews as well as listing internet sites useful for writers. She also currently has two posts which list the fantasy and science fiction subgenres, which I found infinitely helpful! (So now when those writing sites ask you "what kind of fantasy?" if you've struggled answering that question like someone else *cough* this should help you out!)
Highly recommended!
Do head over if you've a moment to spare. :)

1 comment:

  1. Ooh, I like your new makeover! Orangey-spronge! *plays in swirls*

    :D And thank you for the link and the favorable review. I'm glad you found my blog useful!
