Saturday, 15 January 2011

10 Days Of Kicking Back And Lazy Blogging

Whooo boy, it's certainly been a while since I last posted.

Okay, so I can't lie I've been procrastinating way too much lately. My writing has suffered inevitably but it hasn't been a total waste of time. I've gotten on with some art for Electrostatic Fantasy in my quest to draw some cover art. I've almost completed illustrations of two more characters; Loki, the leader of the group of Aqura*, and Angela. I'm not quite feeling like it's what I'd want on the cover, but I'm still happy I drew it. I'm thinking about including the picture inside the book maybe. Although certain parts of the picture have given me a bit of a tough time, it's still going really well. I'll upload it once it's done.
(*see Excerpts page for definition)

Ten days of lazy-o-days is certainly better than a whole month of "I just can't drag it out of me," but it still leaves a whole lot of stuff in its wake for picking up and burning the midnight oil on afterwards. I'm finally feeling more inspired for writing and drawing, and JanNo can still be won with a few nights of Fanta-binging and some dedicated application of the best writing advice.
Last NaNoWriMo I actually discovered that it is physically possible to complete an entire WriMo (50,000 words) in a minimum of about 5-6. Towards the end, I noticed from the writing stats on my page that during one 24-hours I wrote nearly 9,000 words! That's a personal ever. But it should be noted I was completely wiped-out by the end of it. All I'm saying is it's possible...not that I'm overly eager to test this assertion in practice. ^_^

And yes, part of my inspiration also comes from the fact that...YES, I CAVED and went and bought the Phobia album!

A long-overdo cleanup of the blog might also be in order. Nothing major, just need to update all those little details which I left undone with a "going to finish later" Post-its stuck over 'em. I'm going up update the "Contact the Monkey" tab into an "About" tab while I'm at it, along with other little bits and bobs. the lyrics in this track...*hums along* ^_^

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