Over the JulNoWriMo forums I've heard people rate the internet among the most addictive procrastination forms. And I'm sure it's not a new concept to totally unplug from this insidious World Wide Web in order to get some word count done.
But my internet unplugged from me!
I mean it just blew up! Well, not literally. But one minute we have connection and the next we do not. It just up and died.
And what's the first natural reaction? "Oh lord, no! How am I going to update my word count on Julno?!" But after a few deep breaths and a re-analysis of my situation, this turned out to be a very good opportunity. Now there truly was no way for me to be distracted by my greatest weakness, the horrid online threat. And sure enough I bas
hed out the highest single-day word count for the past week.
And here I am, Day 11 just past 22,500 words, but the embarrassing part of it is (I find) that only about 5,600 of those will remain after "Editing in Progress" is stamped onto the first page. Should this be a blush-subject? I mean, I've no idea if other writers generally see this same phenomenon a lot. "Yes, I wrote about 80k for this WriMo, but actually I'm only in chapter 5 of my book and I chopped well over half of the words the minute the month ended." I can't help feeling that for the sake of my pride I am now basically obligated to write 17 thousand words over the 50k goal. On one hand I'm just hoping to reach the end of the story before August roles around. I looked at my '09 NaNo novel during edits and noticed I'd never written the last chapter. NaNo ended, that was it. So considering, I'd be more than grateful if I could reach the final scenes at least still during July.
On that note, there's no motivation like a broken internet connection :)
(And on a tangent, I really should start backing up every evening. There's nothing scarier than the blue screen of death!)

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