Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Inspiration Please!

Right, so everyone is settling into the Christmas spirit and the fact that holidays have/are starting. Time to relax and take a breather. You're probably looking forward to enjoying that game/movie/book/thing you've been meaning to play with/watch/read for weeks/months but have been kept from by work. Yes, I've got a (few) games I've been meaning to get to. However, I shan't be getting to them.

This holiday season for me is more about getting a break from college work so that I might have time to work on hobbies instead.
On my agenda for the next two weeks are the following:

  • Edit Electrostatic Fantasy (preferably to completion).
  • Finish writing Electrostatic Nightmare.
  • Finish two tasks for my volunteering place.
  • Finish reading about ten books or so.
  • Oh yeah, and do some drawing.
There's probably more but I can't recall it right now. But actually, I'm really happy that I have a long list of stuff to do. Even though people at my college might think I'm bluffing, I've got quite a bit of trouble with laziness. The moment I know no one will be expecting me to show up on time, get up early or finish anything by X date, I turn into quite the lolling lazy chimpanzee, hanging out my monkey cave all day stinking of bananas and Fanta. Heh, well not quite that bad, but during holidays I might certainly not be the saint of hard work. And no matter how much I think I will be industrious during the holidays, I tend to be beset by the monster known as laziness.

Hence I am in need of inspiration. Not the "I'm out of ideas" kind of inspiration, but the "get off your butt and work now!" kind of inspiration. Otherwise I know, come January, I'll be completely out of the working mood and I will start off my assignments again with notable difficulty. The "I don't wanna work again" kind of difficulty. The "I don't wanna get up at 6 in the morning, me sleepy" kind of difficulty.
So this season shan't be the kicking back and relaxing all the way kind of season. It shall be the getting up at 6 anyway and working on hobbies kind of season!

Besides the above I've had some ideas for short stories. Now short story writing has been an area that has been a weak spot to me for a long time. I just seem to struggle to fit my plots and ideas into something as small as 3000-5000 words. But lately I've been reading short stories by Pu Songling and it's given me ideas on how to make this impossible task more possible. Still tinkering with thoughts but hoping to plot something down soonish.
Assuming I get any of my other tasks worked on, hah!

Wishing a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone out there!


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