Oh well, New Years coming up. Suppose we know one of my resolutions already.
Ok! Sitting here sipping my home-made latte, listening to a Japanese internet radio station and trying to concentrate enough to get something done worth calling 'production.' What else to do but to update my long-forgotten, no scratch that, just partially left unattended, blog.
I'm finally going to post that summary of Elda that I've been promising, and here it is!

"It's been thirty years now. Thirty years since the hundred-year rule of the wicked witch Elda ended. And peace has returned to The Land, her cruelty being all but a lingering memory. Those memories, legends speak of her evil and her power. Yet not a one tell of how it all ended. In all accounts, she simply vanished.
But this cannot be so. For one so horrible and god-like cannot simply disappear.
Ikkoris, a young boy from an IroKai tribe, is obsessed with stories of her. Though his curiosity and mischief are but the pain of the village. Until one day he finds a mysterious young girl in the mists known only as White Wolf. And she seems to know something of Elda.
Along with his new friend, Ikkoris sets off to find the past. But with a strange white knight out to resurrect Elda and these two trouble, and the village people wishing to silence him, a journey of intrigue soon turns into a battle to keep the evil and good at balance in the world around them. And now it is a race against time between truth and lies. They must succeed, or risk plunging the world back under Elda's control."
Along with his new friend, Ikkoris sets off to find the past. But with a strange white knight out to resurrect Elda and these two trouble, and the village people wishing to silence him, a journey of intrigue soon turns into a battle to keep the evil and good at balance in the world around them. And now it is a race against time between truth and lies. They must succeed, or risk plunging the world back under Elda's control."
So there we go! Three agonising weeks but I finally managed to type one out. ^_^ My progress so far is about 28 thousand words, meaning a little above target. I'm quite pleased with the way it's turning out as well. Needs editing for sure, but it's not a bunch of gobbledy-goop.
I haven't had a chance to go back and read over any of it yet. But soon as I do I'll post an excerpt onto the Novel Info page!
How are my fellow NaNoWriMo participants doing?
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