Sunday, 20 November 2011

Lyrics And Updates!


Alright, kudos to me for posting again with less than 3 months in between. Yay. But still, a lot has happened since I last wrote. Hmm...let see. Shall we go with bullet points? What, too short?

Firstly, I would like to draw your attention to the top line of links. Yes that one up there. Yes...up a little further. A little further...okay, come back down you missed it. No, not that far! (Let us take a moment to honour the brave souls who dare ask me for driving directions! :D )
YES! You got it. I've added a new Poetry page to the site. :3

I don't like to call myself a poet, because unlike some who can scratch up a poem very easily, I can only do it when the mood is right. That mood often comes very seldom. If I force it I feel like it sounds...well...quite forced. Haha. Funny. I made a joke. Laugh. I command you. -.-
But anyway, please feel free to wander in and have a look about! ;)

On another note I've done a general maintenance on the site. By maintenance I mean I've gone through most of the links and just made sure they all work, deleted any that don't. :)
If you guys do spy a link that's broken, please contact me by e-mail ( or comment on any of the posts on the main page! Thank you! :)

And one more thing:

I won NaNoWriMo! :D

That's right! The Monkey of the Cave has crossed the threshold of 50,000 words once more and is now dragging herself to the end of her plot! :D

A huge thanks to all the staff at NaNoWriMo for keeping the awesome event there and doing everything you guys do each year! And to my Number 1 rival in the competition Jay! It was thanks to our wild word wars that I was able to push a win out so quickly.

Yesterday I literally wrote 11,604 words. was quite a lot to do. -.-

Monkey Dance Time!
*does a little monkey jig*

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Blue Is For Boys by Jack Thompson

Review time!

I do this so seldom that I thought it was high time for a book review. :-3 I had to do a double post today because I know if I leave it until tomorrow I'm just not going to get this post done at all. Or it'll get shoved back until Christmas. T__T *sniff*
Okay, so now onto the review!

Sure it was a weekend of fun and excess, even if he might not remember anything of that 72 hours of fun and excess, but for Ravi it's quite sure that if it were anything important it would come back to him in due time. And why should he have a reason for concern? Until of course he realises his amnesia has brought along with it a new and strange tattoo and turned his pee bright blue. That perhaps isn't as normal.
But Ravi's nightmare has only begun and we will be sharing in the horrors and humours of the repercussions in store for him. And as we will find, this is one weekend that will change his life forever.

The Monkey Speaks!
This is a short story which I thoroughly enjoyed because of the great prose and the hilarious jokes. It's fresh and witty. Moreover the story also takes a new outlook on modern society as a sort of side product. But it never interrupts the flow of the story and this is one story easy to get hooked onto. If there were any negatives to point out, I'd have to say it's a shame it's so short. I could gladly read 15,000 more words about Ravi. Although I really liked the ending, which was good and left me satisfied about the story (not one of those that make the whole book sound like it was cut off in the middle of the sentence. Did I drop some pages on the way home from the store?)

I give this story 5 stars out of 5!
Highly recommended!

If you'd like to buy the story, there is a link on Jack Thompson's webpage.

Mid-NaNoWriMo 2011 -- ELDA

Okay, so have to get out of the habit of having three month breaks between posts! -_-
Oh well, New Years coming up. Suppose we know one of my resolutions already.

Ok! Sitting here sipping my home-made latte, listening to a Japanese internet radio station and trying to concentrate enough to get something done worth calling 'production.' What else to do but to update my long-forgotten, no scratch that, just partially left unattended, blog.
I'm finally going to post that summary of Elda that I've been promising, and here it is!

"It's been thirty years now. Thirty years since the hundred-year rule of the wicked witch Elda ended. And peace has returned to The Land, her cruelty being all but a lingering memory. Those memories, legends speak of her evil and her power. Yet not a one tell of how it all ended. In all accounts, she simply vanished.
But this cannot be so. For one so horrible and god-like cannot simply disappear.
Ikkoris, a young boy from an IroKai tribe, is obsessed with stories of her. Though his curiosity and mischief are but the pain of the village. Until one day he finds a mysterious young girl in the mists known only as White Wolf. And she seems to know something of Elda.
Along with his new friend, Ikkoris sets off to find the past. But with a strange white knight out to resurrect Elda and these two trouble, and the village people wishing to silence him, a journey of intrigue soon turns into a battle to keep the evil and good at balance in the world around them. And now it is a race against time between truth and lies. They must succeed, or risk plunging the world back under Elda's control."

So there we go! Three agonising weeks but I finally managed to type one out. ^_^ My progress so far is about 28 thousand words, meaning a little above target. I'm quite pleased with the way it's turning out as well. Needs editing for sure, but it's not a bunch of gobbledy-goop.

I haven't had a chance to go back and read over any of it yet. But soon as I do I'll post an excerpt onto the Novel Info page!

How are my fellow NaNoWriMo participants doing?