Thursday, 1 September 2011

Ehem...Back To Business

I suppose it's about time I confront updating my by now yellowing, cracking and aged blog again. ^_^;;

The monkey cave has sent no word or flicker of life for the past quarter of a year. You are wondering by now if some unspeakable mass murder has happened and a horrible fate have befallen the Writer Monkey Crew inside. Rest assured that no matter how likely this seemed until's not true. We're all just sleeping. And very lazy. And out of coffee...Oh NO!!

Truth to be told the monkey cave has now migrated from "sunny old" Finland to sunny old England! How we moved that pile of rocks...I'd love to tell you, but then I'd be breaking my confidentiality agreement with Gorilla Management, and we wouldn't want things to get ugly, would we?
I do have an objection though. All these Crew monkeys have somehow dragged me into participating in the estates work. Know what that means? It means I'M carrying crates and shoving boxes that I'm paying THEM to carry and shove. This is a fine waste of bananas! I should be writing!
Okay, perhaps I'm overreacting. Perhaps I'm using this situation of a busy schedule as a more elaborate excuse to explain why I haven't written much of anything. It frightens me.

I'm serious.

When I first started into the world of 'serious' writing I heard that writers are often stricken by laziness with regard to their writing progress, coupled by an irresistible urge to find a reason for why this is. I was told these were called "excuses." I was sure this wouldn't happen to me. I would write steadily for sure and not be pushed to inventing Excuses for why I was inactive. But now, strangely I find myself listing things. That's NEVER a good sign, when you start listing things!
1) I was busy
2) I was tired
3) No one does anything productive on the train ride home anyways
4) I didn't have my laptop
5) My laptop is too heavy
6) The laptop slowing down anyway
7) I can't concentrate on the train
8) I'll do more during NaNoWriMo
9) The story is almost done, there's no need to exert myself
10) I'll do some tomorrow/later

But that "tomorrow" never comes. It scares me how easily I've slid into this pit of anti-monkey goo and barely noticed it. But now I will be resolute. I will make actual progress which I can write about. I swear!

Time to finish Electrostatic Fantasy and get on with Arkanos.
I just realised...we're not allowed to continue existing manuscripts during NaNoWriMo! O_o;; That's not good. I can't use it to finish Arkanos Book One!


  1. Yay! My google reader no longer calls this blog "Inactive"! :D

    I'm afraid the only way to get out of your non-writing funk is found here: Another technique that works is "BICHOK" - Butt In Chair, Hands On Keyboard.

  2. LMAO!!! Oh yes, THAT writing advice. ^__^ Yes, BICHOK is definitely a good idea. A combination of the two might be in order.
    BICHOK and TD. Hmm...a ring to it maybe? If you read the TD as "tad"?

    The monkey is also very happy that your Google reader doesn't call this blog inactive anymore either. LOL ^_^
    I shall keep it that way now, I swear.

    No really...

    No I'm serious...

    W-why are you looking at me like that? ^__^;;

  3. *continues looking at your like that* ;)

    Hey, have you decided on your NanNovel? I have. This year I'm going to attempt to break out of my panster shell and plan. I have this fantasy adventured outlined, and I've schedule all of October for worldbuilding, fleshing out characters, and creating a strict writing schedule for myself.

  4. Well, staying true to the monkey fashion...I though I had made my decision only to decide later that I had three other options still very worth considering. But I'll have to start the plotting phase next weekend, so I'll make a choice and post on it then. :)
    That's great that you're taking a dive into the plotting side of the pond. ^__^ Yes, I use October for plotting always. Let's keep in touch on NaNoWriMo and cheer each other on!

  5. OK... the buddy list isn't up yet, and I can't remember what your NaNo username is! *wants to start PMing and giving each other moral boosts*

  6. Gosh I know! :( Are the buddy lists still down? I was so devastated when I noticed that!

    My username is Dragonsphinx. There's a link in one of the columns on the right hand side of my blog. ^_^
