This is the story of how a dog became the prince of an entire country, for indeed without him there would have been no country to rule at all.
Set about 5000 years ago in the small kingdom of Brink, the story tells of the young boy Ammed and his trusty friend Paint and their adventure during the Festival of Loaves.
There's a short excerpt of the story on Fun London's webpage which you can read here.
I really enjoyed the Dog Prince! The most pleasant surprise for me was how well it was written for a short story. Personally I struggle with short stories because I can't really get my head around how to fit the many ideas in my head into such a limited number of words. Literally I worry that my description will end up over-short and the reader will be left seeing question marks. But The Dog Prince definitely didn't fall into that question mark category, no sir. My favourite part was how easy it was to picture the world and action.
I think its a great tale, and from a writer's point of view a good example of a well written short story.
I warmly recommend it. The Dog Prince is on sale at Amazon.com, there's a link on Fun London's page and it's only $2.99. Go ahead and check it out guys. ;)
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