But New Year's is fast approaching and so are two new contests. JanNoWriMo as well as Writing Year. And sadly yes, the "I didn't do any writing" does extend to plots as well, for my January novel is but the first few sentences planned. This cloud has a silver lining though.
After working on something as intricate and complicated as Arkanos, I yearned to write an epic fantasy which was a bit more...oh what's the term?...linear and straight forward. I mean for the love of pie Arkanos has enough plot twists to tie half my brain into a bow, I need some distance after enduring 50,000 words of it! Don't get me wrong, Arkanos is my baby and I intend to see her to the end, whether that be a fine or a bitter one. But I don't think I'll be writing a story as massive and complicated again any time soon.
This is where Through Glass comes in. That's the story I'd mentioned before: "Through the Looking Glass". I'll be writing that in January and updating the My Novels tab about it too. Although the plots are...nonexistent...the plot is far less tricky and meticulous that my previous project. I've already got a basic idea of how the whole time line will play out, I just need to work out a few fine points. I should be able to pull through okay even without exhaustive plotting...hopefully. ^_^
I have no idea how Writing Year (WriYe) will turn out. It's a big jump, I'll admit, to go from planning a word goal for a month (when you've written nothing before) to planning one for a whole year (when you've written 130K total). My initial target for 2011 is 510,000 words, but we'll see how that changes during the year. ^_^
Well I better get plotting Through Glass before I dose off. Wouldn't want to waste a perfectly good night of writing. Ha ha!
I'll post again before the new year to send you guys holiday wishes properly. ^_^