And a bit of the wee-hours oil while we're at it.
I don't know if my being on the computer has gone a bit too far, but at least last night's late surfing was for a good reason.
Since now comes one of my equally favourite parts of NaNoWriMo, the ART!
Last year went by mostly amidst my manuscript, since I'd decided to go with a not-yet-my-darling story idea for my first time. And I didn't really get any illustration done on time. Well, actually I still haven't finished it, but why get caught up in the details...heh.
Anyway, after some toiling and three different variations, this is the banner I chose as a banner for the NaNo forums.

Only annoying thing was that I had to use the JPEG version, which came out a little...scruffy-er. But sadly, even with reduced dimensions, the next smallest file type already fell about 20KB above the max limit. Oh well, even though a new year with new toys (graphics) is a fun idea to play with, in the end it's the story itself that's the most important, isn't it?
Which reminds me, I still have to write that synopsis!
It's been fun getting back in touch with all my NaNo buddies and competitors from last year! The more I chat with them again, the more I start to itch for this coming month. Last time I had some really even and tough competition from some, and quite simply ate the dust of others. And it was fun as anything the whole way through!
So on that note, I'm going to end off on a little plug for those guys, and say that everyone on my Writing Buddies list on NaNo is a tough and awesome writer! ;)
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